Miscellaneous Functions

Set Clipboard:

<void> setclipboard(<string> content)
  • Sets content to the clipboard.

Set Fast Flag:

<void> setfflag(<string> flag, <string> value)
  • Sets flag's value to value.

You can find a list of all Fast Flags here: FFlag Watcher | FFlag Tracker

Get Namecall Method:

<string> getnamecallmethod(<void>)
  • Returns the namecall method if the function is called in an __namecall metatable hook.

Set Namecall Method:

<void> setnamecallmethod(<string> method)
  • Sets the current namecall method to the new namecall method. Must be called in a __namecall metatable hook.

Identify Executor:

<string> identifyexecutor(<void>)
  • Returns Oxygen-U if the current executor is Oxygen-U.

Set FPS Cap:

<void> setfpscap(<uint> cap)
  • Sets the fps cap to cap.

Save Instance:

<void> saveinstance(<table> a1)  
  • Saves the current game into your workspace folder. You can use table a1 to customize options for this.
modeoptikmized / full / scripts
noscriptstrue / false
scriptcachetrue / false
timeoutany number

Message Box:

<uint> messagebox(<string> text, <string> title, <uint> flag)
  • Creates a message box.


OK / Cancel1
Abort / Retry / Ignore2
Yes / No / Cancel3
Yes / No4
Retry / Cancel5
Cancel / Try Again / Continue6

Return Values:

1OK was clicked.
2Cancel was clicked.
3Abort was clicked.
4Retry was clicked.
5Ignore was clicked
6Yes was clicked.
7No was clicked.
10Try Again was clicked.
11Continue was clicked.